Level 2: The best kept secret in a hospital that never stops

Energy Plant 主管, Bruce Spencer


On this floor beneath the hospital's main entry level are offices, 实验室, and rooms that patients usually do not see. Among them are: The Milk Lab, 钥匙/锁店, Food and Nutrition 服务, 邮件中心, Environmental and Waste Management 服务, 锅炉房, 工程, and Central Sterile Reprocessing.

这里的员工通常不做手术或治疗病人的疾病. But even at daybreak, 他们的共同使命是为社区提供不间断的护理,这一点随处可见.

“二级病房是这家医院的心脏和命脉。 Clinical Specialty 服务斯科特·斯洛奇.

“这是心脏,跳动着,一切都在这里发生. 它是发动机,”能源工厂工程主管布鲁斯·斯宾塞回应道.

4:00 am: The Kitchen

The first employee switches on the lights.

“It’s like a living being awakening,” explains Director of Food and Nutrition 服务, 弗雷德里克·吉拉德, who works together with Assistant Director, Elaine Churchill.

Elaine Churchill, assistant director, Food 服务
Elaine Churchill helping a colleague

Churchill began working at the hospital 40 years ago, delivering to patients what were then simply trays of frozen food. 现在, she is on a team of 40 full-time employees who plan and prepare 3,000年新, nutritional meals a day to patients in their rooms. 他们的团队还为医院的餐厅提供新鲜的、通常来自当地的食物, 咖啡馆, and fresh-food vending machines.

Their compassion is palpable.

行政总厨威廉·琼斯,绰号大卫,告诉新员工 put their heart into each meal because this meal could be the patient’s last. 

“That is extremely poignant to think about,” says Girard.

6:30 am: The Milk Lab and 锅炉房

Sealed is the door where breast milk will be sorted, 存储, and distributed to newborn babies who need it. 其他的门等着你, 走进绿板上写着白字的办公室,里面坐满了一大早就没睡的人.


With his six colleagues, Spencer tends to boilers that run 24x7, 一年365天, 除了一个夏天的晚上设备关闭修理的六个小时. 在检查过程中,他寻找水坑,倾听机器的声音.

Early morning in the engine room
Bruce Spencer making his morning rounds

“We’re the best kept secret in this hospital that never stops,这位从2002年开始在这家医院工作的前商船船员解释道.

6:45 am: 病人运输

病人搬运工斯图尔特·兰德已经到了,正大步走过装满隔离服的橙色和黑色手推车, 浴毯子, 折叠展开.

病人运输er pushing patient on a bed
Stuart Lander transporting a patient

如果天气允许的话, Stuart rides to work each day on his mountain bike, 他在下班后和周末教给孩子和成人的是什么. At the hospital, he transports patients and vital supplies. When he reaches his locker, he changes into scrubs, dons his orange sneakers, 拿起十大博彩推荐排名健康中心的手机,提醒他即将到来的任务. He may retrieve a patient bed, 担架, 或轮椅, or deliver blood to the Emergency Department.

当他工作时,兰德会仔细关注周围发生的事情. 他在这家医院工作了13年,是该医院新员工的首席培训师 病人运输.

“I always look out for the patients,” he says.

7:00 am: Environmental 服务


技术专家大卫·布希耶(大卫Bouchier)就是听众之一 Hematolog /肿瘤学 部分 Dartmouth Cancer Center. 他的 Environmental 服务 主管, 利奥戴利, 分享了布歇尔打扫过的病人家属的无数赞誉,他们对布歇尔的知识和工作感到自豪.

大卫Bouchier at work

Bouchier downplays praise. 他的工作, 他解释说, 是清洁房间并进行额外的紫外线消毒以杀死孢子, 病原体, and any other invisible germs that could put patients at risk. He often talks to patients to put them at ease.

“I never tell them I know what you’re going through. 不管你在经历什么,这些人正在经历更糟的. You gotta go in with a good attitude,” he says.

7:15 am: The Key Shop

负责剪钥匙和处理维修请求的是锁匠泰勒·查博诺. Charbono管理着整个医院的关键系统,从早上6点就开始工作了.

There are some 5,500 different keys in the hospital. Charbono是一个完美主义者,当他剪一把钥匙时,他会关注每一个细节. 他说,人员、物资和信息的安全是他的首要任务.

Locksmith Tyler Charbono at work
Tyler Charbono making repairs

7:45 am: Central Sterile Reprocessing

在走廊的窗户后面,手术器械正在消毒.R. kits are being assembled by men and women in protective gear. There works 主管 莎拉·塔尔顿, 谁不允许未经授权进入无菌再处理中心. 这个部门每天清理、检查、验证和消毒大约8000个手术器械.

莎拉·塔尔顿 inspecting instruments

“We have to be ready for whatever comes. 我想说,我们对病人有很大的影响,但没有病人接触,”她说.

员工 here think on their feet. 在COVID-19, 为了应对全国N-95口罩短缺,他们购买并准备了100多个口罩,000 used respirators for reuse by front-line staff. 四个小组工作三天,休息三天,每班12小时.

“We’re willing to do the hard work,” says Tarleton.

8:00 am: Waste and Recycling 服务

艇长凯尔·长尾机在废品回收服务中心门口待命. 该部门的使命是“通过团队合作提高病人的康复。, 奉献, 感染, Prevention and the Pride we take in providing the best service, 在正确的地方, 在适当的时候, 每一次.”

Kyle Thresher sorting recycling

Thresher describes how hospital waste is processed, 包括将生物袋放入200度的蒸汽处理器中消毒. 作为一名工作了六年多的员工,他分享了自己对工作的热爱.

Director of Environmental/Waste Management 服务 John Rota, 同时, is busy at work in his office on the other end of the hall. 他说,几年前清洁材料的改变使一度常见的C型细菌感染减少了45%. diff(艰难梭菌),引起腹泻和结肠炎症

8:15 am: 工程

员工 prepare for another visit to the new 病人馆. 在他们身后是一张名为“以我们的职业为荣”的海报,上面展示了在职员工的名字,这些员工的任期从5年到38年不等,共服务了905年.

When asked about his work, Director of 工程, 克里斯·奥哈拉, 四个孩子的父亲, 他说他可能不是在做临床工作,但他是为了照顾病人, 比如他的妻子是一名护士,他的大女儿想要像她的父母一样从医.

8:30 am: 邮件中心

A window opens into view.

Mark Richardson greeting customers
Mark Richardson helping a customer

Mail Clerk Mark Richardson greets customers with a smile. 理查森在这家医院工作了24年,它有自己的邮政编码:03756. Richardson makes it a point to keep conversations light, 分享笑话, 对每一个他帮助过的人都要有礼貌,因为他知道工作的重要性.

9:00 am

This journey down the hospital lifeline has been brief, 但是同情心, 骄傲, and kindness of these employees endure.

另一天要探索的部门包括:临床工程, 药店, Inventory and Logistics, Vascular Access 服务, 伤口护理, 血库, Informatics Systems and 连接ed Care.

“所有这些员工都为实现这一切做出了巨大贡献," points out Director of Clinical Specialty 服务, Slogic.

当病人转运者兰德后来感谢他的时间,并告诉他这段经历是多么的谦卑, he responds quickly, 表达了他的感激之情,并同意了解到这些二级员工的关心程度确实让人感到谦卑.